Tag: tip of the week

Tip of the Week – September 19, 2014: Clean Your Adobe Media Cache!

I recently noticed that my hard drive was running out of space, despite the fact that I removed a bunch of huge files. After doing some searching, I ran across the Adobe Media Cache Files folder. The Media Cache Files folder is where Adobe stores conformed audio and video files as you work on various projects, and the files can be massive. Fortunately the files are safe to delete, and this post shows you how to do it.

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Tip of the Week – August 11, 2014: What is Spot Metering and When do I Use it?

You might have noticed that your DSLR has something called Metering Modes, but without understanding what they were for, it’s possible you’ve never used them. I try to keep this blog from getting too over-the-top technical, so basically Metering Modes are a way to more easily achieve correct exposure in a tricky lighting situation. This post focuses on the Spot Metering mode.

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Tip of the Week: July 23, 2014 – Focus on the Eyes!

I thought I’d start something new on my site: I’m going to do my best to provide one photography tip per week. These will be basic tips that involve the use of your camera as well as processing tips using Lightroom or Photoshop. I’ll keep these short, sweet, and down to earth.

So, the first tip is something I use all the time. If you are taking a photo of animals (or people), focus on the eyes!

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